A lot of people focus on strength training during their gym exercises, but flexibility workouts are also huge for boosting your results!
Many people overlook flexibility training during their exercise routines, but the truth is that flexibility is a major factor toward your overall fitness and well-being. If you’re the type of person who struggles with flexibility workouts, then you’re certainly not alone!
The good news is that there are many easy and effective flexibility exercises that can help boost your workout results, regardless of your personal abilities. Below we’ll be detailing why flexibility is important, how you can increase your flexibility, the benefits of flexibility workouts, when you should stretch, and six specific stretching exercises that’ll boost your flexibility levels!
Why Flexibility is Important
Your flexibility levels are crucial for your overall fitness and health, and this has a lot to do with flexibility enhancing your abilities to efficiently exercise and perform everyday activities. Flexibility allows your muscles to maneuver within a full range of motion, which significantly reduces your likelihood of experiencing injuries.
Reduced injury risks are just one of many reasons why flexibility is particularly important for strength training. Some people think that weightlifting is solely oriented around improving brute strength, but lifting weights is also supposed to improve your muscular range of motion as well. Flexibility helps people maintain proper technique and form while exercising, which maximizes performance and safely ensures consistent results!
How You Can Increase Your Flexibility
Most people think that consistent stretching is all that’s needed to increase flexibility, but it’s important to remember how improving your muscular and joint flexibility levels can actually be pretty complicated. One thing that a lot of people forget about is hydration, because drinking lots of water can go a long way to bolster your flexibility training.
Your muscles are sort of like sponges, so keeping them hydrated makes them more pliable and capable of stretching deeper. Resistance training is another key part of the puzzle, but there’s still no denying how stretching exercises are one of the best ways to boost your body’s overall flexibility.
Benefits of Flexibility Workouts
The benefits of flexibility workouts go far beyond your actual flexibility levels, and they include:
- Muscle & joint support: Moving your muscles and joints through a full range of motion will keep them strong for your exercise sessions, and it’ll reduce your chances of experiencing muscle strains.
- Heart health improvements: Several recent studies have concluded that consistent stretching can lead to heart health improvements.
- Lower blood pressure: Stretching on a daily basis for around 15-30 minutes can significantly lower your blood pressure, and the same goes for walking on a daily basis as well.
- Improved circulation: Regular stretching helps improve blood flow, which reduces issues like cramping and numbness.
- Boosted workout performance: Flexibility workouts and stretching help improve your workout performances for both cardio and strength training routines.
- Mental health benefits: Stretching can be very relaxing, which helps reduce anxiety and stress.
When You Should Do Flexibility Stretches
The best times for you to stretch and do flexibility training largely depends upon your personal schedule and unique preferences. Although you technically can stretch whenever you want to, there are a few optimal times to keep in mind, like:
- Mornings
- Before bed
- Pre-workouts
- Post-workouts
6 Exercises to Improve Your Flexibility Levels
The below flexibility training routine provides both static stretches and mobility drills, which gives you a more dynamic approach:
1. Lying Figure Four Stretch
Do this static stretch by:
- Lying on your back and crossing one leg over the opposite knee.
- Grabbing the opposite leg and pulling it toward a 90-degree angle.
- Holding this hip stretch for at least 30 seconds, and repeating for 3-4 sets on each leg.
2. 90/90 Stretch
This is a great stretch for your hip flexors, and you can do this static stretch by:
- Starting in a seated position and internally rotating one leg, while externally rotating the other as you bend both knees to 90-degree angles.
- Breathing as you hold this position for at least 30 seconds, until you switch sides.
- Do 3-4 sets on each side.
3. Hip Mobility Straddle
This stretch is great for your hamstrings and hip joints, and you can do this mobility exercise by:
- Beginning seated while spreading your legs wide in front of you with your toes pointed upwards.
- Crossing your arms across your chest.
- Maintaining a tall spine and hinging your torso toward your legs while making a circular motion that’s anchored at your hips.
- Doing the circular motions for at least 30 seconds before changing directions.
- Performing 3-4 sets in each direction.
4. Squat Mobility Drills
This drill is great for stretching your hamstrings and hip joints, and you can do this mobility exercise by:
- Standing up tall and stepping your feet out wide while slightly pointing your toes outwards.
- Sitting back and going into a squat position before returning to standing.
- Repeating this squat for 30 seconds or at least five times, and doing at least 3-4 sets.
5. Inchworm to Upward Facing Dog
This dynamic stretch is incredible for your shoulders and lumbar spine, and you can do this stretch by:
- Starting in a standing position.
- Keeping your legs straight as you bend over and walk your hands out toward a plank position.
- Letting your hips drop toward the floor while keeping your shoulders back and your arms straight as you go into upward facing dog position.
- Lifting your hips up and walking your hands back toward your feet.
- Repeating this dynamic movement for 30 seconds or five reps, and repeating for 3-4 sets.
6. Spiderman Hold with Rotation
This flexibility stretch is great for your spine, shoulders, hips, core, legs and back. If there’s one stretch that you should start doing on a daily basis, it’s this one.
You can do this dynamic stretch by:
- Starting in a plank position.
- Stepping one foot up to the outside of the same-side hand.
- Rotating open and reaching the same-side hand toward the ceiling.
- Coming back downwards while reaching your elbow toward the floor.
- Doing 8-12 reps per side.
Reach Out to the Rising Legends Team to Learn More Flexibility Workouts!
Flexibility is so much more than simply being able to touch your toes, because it’s also about boosting your well-being and overall range of motion. Doing flexibility workouts either at the gym or at home will always go a long way to help you prevent injuries, improve your posture, and reduce muscle soreness.
Rising Legends is one of the leading workout facilities based in the Nyack NY area, and our team is here to help you improve your flexibility levels as you aim toward boosting your fitness journey’s results.
We look forward to seeing you at the gym!