1) Favorite Movie? Are you more the antagonist or protagonist? Why?
My favorite movie is a toss-up between Shawshank Redemption and Saving Private Ryan. Both are epic movies about the little guy defeating a Goliath. I like to think of myself as the [little] protagonist.
2) Before joining RLAF what was your biggest struggle? What were your biggest frustrations? Do you still have them now?
My biggest obstacle before joining RLAF was the muscle up. I always knew I should be able to do one having always been comfortable with pull-ups, but even though I’ve been coached before it wasn’t until Charlie coached me that I was actually successful. Props to an awesome coach!
3) What was it about RLAF that made you join? What made you stay with us?
My old gym (not a Crossfit) closed due to Covid and so I was homeless. My buddy/life-mentor, Mike Chang, turned me on to RL and I was hooked from day one. I’ve since surpassed Mike Chang in all fitness and life challenges. JK Mike.
4) Top 2 Fav place to eat in Rockland County and what do you order there?
Kavos Grill (Greek) in Nyack. Their pork gyros are the real deal! Trust me, I’m Greek. Second favorite spot is my family’s go-to for good pizza, Cassie’s in Orangeburg.
5) How did RLAF program help you? How is Life different for you now?
I’m a competitive person, but mostly I’m competitive with myself. I’ve got enough performance history where I can see my gains and I’m proud of that.
6) Were there any specific goals that you reached that you are particularly proud of? How did it make you feel?
I didn’t set any specific goals other than doing well in the Memorial Day Murph workout. It’s Crossfit’s most well-known WOD and I knew about it before joining. I trained for it and performed well. I felt really proud to finish with a great time, especially as a 44 year-old.
7) Do you feel you are awesomer being with RLAF?
For sure! No more Rising Legend for me… just Legend! Totally kidding of course. I’m happy with my progress and hope to improve in the months and years to come.
8) Rock, Paper or Scissor?
Paper for sure. The pen is mightier than the sword, but without paper the pen has no might.
9) What would you tell someone interested in joining RLAF?
Don’t do it because I want to make sure my 6:30 class is not overbooked. Again, totally kidding. RLAF is a great place to workout and socialize. If you enjoy those two things then come on in!
10) Is there anything personal you would like to add?
Fitness is a very big part of my life and I’m happy with RLAF’s part in it. I work out to look good and feel good, but most importantly, I want to make sure that I’m taking care of my body both in and out of the gym so that I can enjoy this thing we call life for as long as I can.
Ready to start your own fitness journey? click on the link below and let’s talk!