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Dave Spinato

1) Before joining CFRL what was your biggest struggle? What were your biggest frustrations? 

I’ve always struggled with my eating and drinking habits. I simply eat and drink what I want, when I want with no discipline to my diets or workouts. I would go in phases with crash diets and at home workouts that I always had a hard time sticking to.

2) How did your struggle and frustrations affect your life? What did you feel like before joining CFRL? 

It made me feel like shit. I constantly had low energy, wasn’t sleeping well, wasn’t happy with my physical appearance couldn’t play or keep-up with my kids, the list goes on…..  

3) What was it about CFRL that made you join? 

My girlfriend (Natalie) would always rant and rave about it (Hi Babe). She’s been doing it for years and tried for a while to get me to join. She would always mention how perfect it was for ex-athletes, etc but I would always make excuses why not to join (I’m doing my own thing, I know what I’m doing, I’m too out of shape, etc).  

4) What made you stay with us?

What do you enjoy the most about CFRL? The coaches and the people. The coaches are very knowledgeable. They are constantly giving direction on what, how and why to do things a specific way, even if a workout needs to be modified. The people/athletes are some of the nicest and most competitive I’ve ever met. They push each other, while also trying to help each other get better. Also, the fact that we can hangout off the field says a lot too. I would also say the different programing and challenges with the workouts. “It’s like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get.  – Forrest Gump’s Momma”

5) How did our program help you? How is Life different for you now? 

It helped boost my confidence as it relates to my endurance. I still have miles to go (pun intended) but I don’t give up when I want to anymore, only when I have to. Because of this reenergized, keep pushing mentality, I no longer lose my breath when I walk up 5 steps and I can still smoke my kids in a race (13, 9, 6).

6) Were there any specific goals that you reached that you are particularly proud of? 

Getting back to a manageable weight (still would like to drop 15 more lbs) while getting some of my strength and endurance back.  

7) What would you tell someone interested in joining CFRL? 

It’s a life changer for many people. Give it a shot. It’s like the lottery tagline, “you can’t win if you don’t play”.  

8) Is there anything personal you would like to add? 

I’d like to thank all of the coaches and athletes who continue to push and teach me. In college, at the end of each practice, we would always say “FAMILY ON 3… 1, 2, 3, FAMILY!” before we break. This was to symbolize our special bond  knowing we had each other’s back both on and off the field. I feel a similar bond with my CFRL family…

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