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1 ) Before joining RLAF what was your biggest struggle? What were your biggest frustrations?

Consistency and commitment. Before it was hard for me waking up every day going to the gym. I didn’t really know what I was doing. I would just go to the gym and make up my own workout. I wasn’t seeing the progress that I want, and I would get really frustrated and stop going for a while and have to start over again.

2) How did your struggle and frustrations affect your life? What did you feel like before joining?

Before joining RLAF I would feel discourage after months of no progress. When I set goals, I usually try to reach them. Not reaching them can be frustrating and discouraging.

3) What was it about that made you join?

I tried the 6 weeks challenge program 2 years ago with Brian and I liked it, but I didn’t finish it. I found out I was pregnant with my son.

4) What made you stay with us? What do you enjoy the most about RLAF?

Being at RLAF is fun, it’s not just the workout. The community support. The friendly members. FYI Charly is amazinnnggg

5) How did our program help you? How is Life different for you now?

I have never been that fit in my entire life. These past 6 months has been great. The things that have I learn about my body. The progress that I have made. I have done things that I never thought that I could do.

6) Were there any specific goals that you reached that you are particularly proud of? How did it make you feel?

I have reached many goals while at RLAF, most makes me cry and proud. But that’s just the beginning.

7) What would you tell someone interested in joining RLAF?

Do it, as long as you committed and consistent. You’ll make great progress and reach your goals and beyond.

Ready to start your own fitness journey? click on the link below and let’s talk!


???? Link—> https://bit.ly/3tD258f

☎️ 845.746.7301

???? info@risinglegendsaf.com


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