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1) Before joining RLAF what was your biggest struggle? What were your biggest frustrations?

My biggest struggle was consistency and weight training.  My biggest frustration was never really getting the results I ultimately wanted.

2) How did your struggle and frustrations affect your life? What did you feel like before joining  RLAF? 

I never let the frustrations bother me to the point of affecting me negatively.  I have been a runner for a while now and I always had cardio to fall back on to keep me “in shape”.  Before RLAF I felt like all I did was run and that made me want to add something else to help get me the results I wanted.

3) What was it about RLAF that made you join?

There were a few reasons that made me join RLAF.  A) the gym I started at closed in December 2019 B) It was one of the few gyms in Rockland that offered what I was looking for. C) Sophie (the biggest reason) So I met Sophie through my neighbor and when we talked about CrossFit she immediately had the greatest things to say about the gym she goes to.  Simply put I told her what I was looking for and she said I needed to come to her gym.  Little did I know what the future would hold.

4) What made you stay with us? What do you enjoy the most about RLAF?

What didn’t make me stay at RLAF!?!?  The people at RLAF are like no one else.  I have never felt more welcome from DAY 1 anywhere like at this gym.  I enjoy the people the most! This stems from my fellow 5am peeps, every single coach that works at making us better athletes, and especially yourself and Charly for giving us this place we love coming to!

5) How did our program help you? How is Life different for you now?

I think the programming at RLAF is something special (except when I can’t RX the WOD lol).  All I can say is that the programming without a doubt helped me get the results I wanted.  Life is different to the extent I now come into class hoping to RX the WOD and hopefully beat Rachel ????

6) Were there any specific goals that you reached that you are particularly proud of? How did it make you feel?

My goals were always to get in and stay in shape and I will always be working on maintaining and improving myself that way, but what I can definitely tell you is that the one goal that I recently reached definitely was one of the best feelings ever. Doing my first bar muscle up during the open this year was probably one of the coolest things ever (thank you Jon Diaz) 

7) What would you tell someone interested in joining RLAF?

I would tell them that they would never feel more welcome because it really is the friendliest gym in Rockland.

8) Is there anything personal you would like to add?

Just a big Thank You to everyone at RLAF.  To all of my friends I have made through here you are all amazing.  And to all the coaches keep kicking our asses because we wouldn’t be where we are today if you didn’t….but no more wall walks please ????

Ready to start your own fitness journey? click on the link below and let’s talk!


???? Link—> https://bit.ly/3tD258f

☎️ 845.746.7301

???? info@risinglegendsaf.com


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