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From MARY:

Before joining RLAF, I certainly didn’t have much confidence in myself that I could do something like this. Before joining my life was my kids’ school, after school sports, and no time for me.  When my son left for the military, I found that I had time for me now. My husband would say do something for you. Find something for you.

I would drive by the gym and look in and wonder what it’s like in there. So, one day I went in and I met Charly. He showed me around and gave me the schedule. He said “come in for a week and give it a try”. I went to the 5 AM class the following week. The timing was perfect for my schedule. Everyone was very encouraging, super supportive and I felt like that sense of community even on day one. I’ve been a member for a few years now and I really do enjoy it there. I feel that the 5AM class is family.

As you may know, recently, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. The love and support that I have received from my Rising Legends family… I have no words. From the text messages and the phone calls, it’s been overwhelming. I couldn’t wait to be back. Two weeks after surgery, I was back at the gym modifying everything with the help of the coaches, who have worked with me tirelessly. I’m happy to say I’m cancer free back at the gym getting stronger every day. That’s why I stay at RLAF. 

One thing I most proud of is the fact that I was able to do a 205 deadlift. The location, accessibility to different classes, and the community is what makes me stay Rising Legends. The Gym has supported me through its family-like community of members and has ultimately helped me accomplish things I didn’t even know I could do. I will be forever grateful. 

Shout out to K, Pennie, Brian, Pedro. They are who I started with and gave me such support and encouragement. 

There’s so much more I could say, but to sum it up, it’s the best thing I’ve ever done for myself. It’s like a therapy session. At times we cry, at times we laugh, but at the end of the day I feel like I belong.


CHRIS NORDSTROM: Mary is an absolutely outstanding, kind, caring, and generally good hearted person who loves the community that she has found.

She boasts about it all the time, that she loves that she has found her place, and her people at 5am, having a great time every time she is in the building.

In the past two years that I have had the pleasure of coaching her, she has gained a tremendous amount of strength, flexibility, and self-confidence that suits her in so many ways.

She not only shows grace everyday with wanting to learn, and gain strength, she also shows grace in all aspects, even within the struggles she faces outside the gym.

CARL: You are a bada** !!!

You are the definition of resilience and positivity. It has been a honor coaching you during my 5am classes. You always have a I can attitude and if you can’t we switch it up and you do it anyway! No complaints just work! You deserve all the amazing trips you have coming up and I wish you many many many many more cancer free years ahead! I look forward to seeing you when I’m back in NY to visit!

Keep Getting Strong AF!!

JORDAN: Mary is a true morning warrior. She always comes in ready to work with a smile on her face. She is continuously getting stronger and improving her lifts. Even if she has to modify, she always shows up.

It’s almost like the class doesn’t start until Mary arrives. Well-deserved athlete spotlight.

CHRIS HAYES: Mary’s tenacity and consistency make her such an amazing athlete to be around.  From a coach’s perspective, she’s a model for every athlete: come in every day and do the work to the best of your ability.  As a member of the Rising Legends community, seeing her makes me want to be a better athlete, a better coach, and a better friend.  Her presence makes Rising Legends a better place, every day, and I’m grateful for the opportunity spend time in the gym with her.

KATE: I haven’t had the pleasure of coaching Mary regularly but from my year with RLAF I have seen her incredible dedication to her fitness journey, consistently pushing herself (at 5am no less) to new heights and achieving remarkable results. Mary’s passion for health and wellness is truly inspiring, and her commitment to her goals serves as a motivation to others in the gym.

Mary’s fitness journey is nothing short of extraordinary. Despite facing the formidable challenge of breast cancer, she tackled it with bravery, resilience, and determination. Mary’s victory over breast cancer is a testament to her incredible strength and the power of hope and perseverance. Returning to the community mere weeks after her procedures, she is a true warrior and an inspiration to us all.

Ready to Join our community? Just fill out your info on our website and someone will reach out in 24 hours. All of us at The Rising Legends Academy of Fitness look forward to seeing you at the gym soon! 



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