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Tips to Help You Get the Summer Body of Your Dreams!

The Rising Legends team has helped countless people around Nyack NY achieve a summer body!

Whether you’re looking for a beach body transformation or you’re looking to just get in good shape this summer, it’s always a great idea to pay close attention to the progress of your health and fitness.

Getting a summer body is often a lot easier said than done, because actual body transformations require a ton of commitment, planning and daily sacrifice. In general, fitness should be so much more than a personal goal, because it also should be a lifestyle that you love to keep up with.

All of us at The Rising Legends Academy of Fitness understand how people are interested in learning more about getting a summer body that they can be proud of, and we’re here to help you understand the basics of how you can start this type of fitness journey.

Check out the below sections to learn exercise, nutrition and lifestyle tips that’ll point you in the right direction toward the summer body of your dreams!

Tips on How to Get a Summer Body

There’s a lot that people need to keep in mind when they’re trying to lose weight or achieve a summer body, including:

Staying Committed & Starting Early

A lot of people have specific reasons why they want to get fit during the summer, and some of these reasons have deadlines and others don’t.

If you have a specific deadline for when you’d like to have your summer body, the best thing you can do is start as early as possible with your new exercise routine. If you don’t have any deadlines for your summer body, you’ll still want to get going as quickly as possible in order to see progress toward your goals.

But regardless of having deadlines or not, earning a summer body takes a ton of commitment when it comes to things like dieting, exercise and lifestyle routines. The good news is that the Rising Legends staff is here when you need help staying committed toward your fitness goals this summer!

Staying Hydrated

Hydration might seem like an easy thing to keep track of, but it can sometimes be something that you forget about on a daily basis. Hydration also just so happens to be one of the most beneficial strategies that you can implement as you’re beginning your summer body transformation.

Drinking water instead of caffeinated and sugary drinks has many different health benefits, including:

  • Feeling more alert and energized
  • Consuming less saturated fat
  • Reducing calorie consumption
  • Boosting your metabolism
  • Lowering your risk of kidney stones
  • Reducing headaches
  • Fighting hunger

Eating Healthy

By far one of the most important aspects of your summer body transformation is sticking to a healthy and balanced diet that’s free of junk. Although some shady dieting tactics like meal replacement shakes might help you lose weight in the short-term, it’s usually difficult for people to keep this weight off unless their diet is set up for long-term sustainability.

Most nutrition coaches highlight two different eating schedules. The first is sticking to three, large meals per day. The other is cutting down your portion sizes and eating about 5-6 smaller meals per day, which is also referred to as metabolism revving.

But regardless of how much or how often you eat on a daily basis, the biggest factor to keep in mind is your food choices. This means that you should try to reduce refined carbs in your diet, which include foods like white bread, pasta, pastries and other processed sugars. It also means increasing your consumption of proteins, veggies, fruits and whole grains.

There are also some healthy fats that you should include in your diet, including foods like avocados, nuts and eggs.

Consistent Exercise

When you’re trying to lose weight and gain muscle tone for the summer months, it becomes absolutely essential to maintain a consistent exercise routine that includes anywhere from 3-7 days per week.

You can do these workouts at the gym, or you can exercise at home. As long as you’re consistently striving toward your summer body on a daily basis in one way or another through high heart rates and a ton of sweat, you’ll be keeping your fitness goals in sight!

Switching Up Your Workouts

Working out can sometimes feel tedious, and this is especially the case when you do the same exercises over and over again. Switching up your workouts can go a really long way to help you develop different muscle groups, create muscle confusion, and ultimately get in great shape.

Some of the more popular summer body workouts to keep in mind include:

  • HIIT Training: High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is an awesome way to work out your entire body in just one session. Some HIIT moves include burpees, dumbbell squats, bicycle crunches, flutter kicks and moving planks.
  • Strength Training: You should also add in some strength training to go along with your HIIT movements. Some great strength training exercises include bicep curls, dumbbell swings, overhead presses, overhead triceps extensions and lunges.

Improving Your Sleep Routine

A lot of people forget about some of the essentials when they’re figuring out how they’d like to get in shape, and this includes sleep! Getting at least 7-9 hours of sleep per night is huge for your summer body transformation, because getting enough sleep helps you to reduce imbalances with your hunger hormones.

This means that your brain will tell your body that you’re hungry more often when you don’t get enough sleep, and your brain will also be less likely to feel satisfied with your meals when your sleep deprived as well. The subsequent result of a poor sleep routine is appetite spikes, which can make it more difficult for you to maintain your healthy diet.

Group Fitness Classes & Personal Training

At Rising Legends, we help our clients achieve their summer bodies in a variety of ways, including our group training and personal training programs.

Group fitness classes are a really fun way to mix up your workout routine and meet new friends in the Rising Legends community. We also offer a wide variety of different classes that’ll help you stay focused on achieving your fitness goals.

Working with experienced personal trainers is also an incredible opportunity, especially for people who aren’t quite sure where to start with their fitness journey. Personal trainers will keep you on track with an impeccable workout routine, and they’ll also teach you proper form as you build up body confidence.

Achieve Your Summer Body This Year at The Rising Legends Academy of Fitness!

Are you ready to launch into your fitness journey and summer body transformation?

The Rising Legends team is here to help you achieve your fitness goals, and our fitness experts can guide you toward a personalized plan that matches you and your unique needs.

We look forward to seeing you at the gym!

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